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2017年11月15日, 纽约公共图书馆公布了其标志性建筑Stephen A. Schwarzman的总体规划,该建筑是美国领先的研究性图书馆之一,一个多世纪以来一直被视为开放和自由获取信息与机会的象征。

NOVEMBER 15, 2017 – The New York Public Library has unveiled a Master Plan for its iconic Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, one of the nation’s leading research libraries, which for over a century has stood as a symbol of open and free access to information and opportunity.

建筑的总体规划是由荷兰建筑公司和由Francine Houben领导的图书馆设计专家Mecanoo以及由Elizabeth Leber领导的以历史建筑而闻名的纽约公司Beyer Blinder Belle共同制定的。Mecanoo和Beyer Blinder Belle还指导了曼哈顿中区图书馆的改造项目,这个图书馆最大的馆区位于第五大道的对面。作为完全翻新的Stavros Niarchos基金会图书馆,它将于2020年初重新开放。

The Master Plan was developed by Dutch architecture firm and experts on library design Mecanoo, led by Francine Houben, and Beyer Blinder Belle, a New York City-based firm known for its work on historic buildings, led by Elizabeth Leber. Mecanoo and Beyer Blinder Belle are also leading the renovation of Mid-Manhattan Library, the Library’s largest circulating branch, located across Fifth Avenue. It is scheduled to reopen as the completely renovated Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library in early 2020.


The New York Public Library’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, on Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, is both one of New York City’s most beloved icons and a world-renowned research library holding millions of precious books, manuscripts, photographs, and other historic items.

The building will undergo work to dramatically increase public space throughout by transforming and reopening rooms that were originally designed as public areas but have long been used for staff or storage.

This work will begin after the renovation of Mid-Manhattan Library, located across Fifth Avenue, is underway, and will include expanded spaces for exhibitions and public programs as well as increased facilities for researchers and scholars.


The master plan for the flagship building of the New York Public Library includes creating a new entrance on 40th Street, near Fifth Avenue.

“我们已经制定了一个总体规划,它遵循了艺术建筑的逻辑。” Mecanoo事务所的Francine Houben说。“我们的改变很微妙,也很聪明,例如,为不同的用户群体引导流量,或者改善目前未被充分利用的空间的质量和功能。”

“We have developed a Master Plan that inherently adheres to the logic of a Beaux-Arts building,” said Mecanoo’s Francine Houben. “Our changes are both subtle and clever—to direct the flow for different user groups, for example, or to improve the quality and function of currently underused spaces.”


These elements will prepare the library for the future while maintaining the building’s architectural integrity and complementing existing historic spaces such as the landmarked Rose Main Reading Room, the Maps, Periodicals, and Genealogy reading rooms, and Astor Hall.

Beyer Blinder Belle的Elizabeth Leber说:“总体规划建立在这座历史建筑的框架之上,是纽约市的标志性建筑。我们正努力使空间的信息流通变得清晰和简捷,从而使其支持新的用途和项目,同时加强它的建筑功能。”

“The Master Plan builds on the framework of this historic building and icon of New York City architecture,” said Beyer Blinder Belle’s Elizabeth Leber. “We are seeking to instill clarity and ease of circulation, and to support new uses and programs, while only enhancing its significant architectural features.”


The renovation at the Public Library will include new exhibition spaces, like this one planned for an area currently used as the gift shop.


The new Lenox and Astor Room will house books and artwork bequeathed to the library by Brooke Astor, a longtime benefactor.


The new 40th Street entrance will lead to the Center for Research and Learning, where students will be able to work with materials from the library’s collections.


The New York Public Library is the second largest public library in the United States and fourth largest in the world.


One of New York City’s most iconic locations, the majestic Rose Main Reading Room measures 78 feet by 297 feet—roughly the length of two city blocks—with 52-foot-tall ceilings displaying murals of vibrant skies and billowing clouds. This breathtaking Beaux-Arts space weaves Old World architectural elegance with modern technology.

布莱恩公园(Bryant Park)完全位于一个地下结构之上,该地下结构容纳着建于1980年代的图书馆书架。新的图书馆设施建在地面以下,而公园则在其上方恢复。

Bryant Park is located entirely over an underground structure that houses the library's stacks, which were built in the 1980's; the new library facilities were built below ground level while the park was restored above it.


Existing situation: standing on the steps of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building looking at the Mid-Manhattan Library building.


The connection between the Mid-Manhattan Library, the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building and Bryant Park is an important aspect of the campus plan.







设计团队:Mecanoo和Beyer Blinder Belle 建筑事务所


奖项:1st Prize Competition

Size: 23,226 ㎡
Project Design: 2015 - 2018
Project Realisation: 2017 - 2021
Address: 476 5th Ave, New York, NY 10018, USA
Client: New York Public LibraryDesign Team: Mecanoo andBeyer Blinder Belle Architects

Programme: Interior renovation of public spaces, reading and study rooms, museum spaces, including the Gottesman Hall exhibition space, a new gallery for photo exhibitions, new renovated staff spaces and back of house logistic improvements, relocation of the NYPL gift shop and coffee bar, renovation of all public and staff restrooms.

Awards: 1st Prize Competition
