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亚历山大·拉蒙特 2023家具和照明系列 MALABARES

西班牙语中“malabares”让人联想一连窜的精巧的动作——杂技演员通过精湛优雅的平衡技艺完成极具有挑战性的动作……正如我们许多人在过去几年的经历的无数压力,在现实生活中努力平衡一切。 “malabares”同时也传达了我们在制作这些春季系列单品时所需的精巧和细致手工工艺。

The Spanish word ‘malabares’ evokes a skillful trick or move – executing something very challenging with exquisite grace and the equilibrium of an acrobat… something akin to the balancing act so many of us were forced to achieve during the myriad pressures of the past few years. The idea of ‘malabares’ also speaks to the feats of precision and meticulous process required to make the pieces in our Spring collection.

Alexander Lamont 的 2023 家具和照明系列是对流动、不对称、表面设计的探索。这些设计是在疫情大流行期间构思出来的,并在随后的两年中通过跨洋的远程合作推进。这是我们对充满挑战的时代的回应,是我们不断反思后迸发的创造力;是寻求生活中应对挑战的优雅解决问题的方案;是调整方向接受新的生活方式,以及面对现实和调整生活的重心。

Alexander Lamont’s 2023 collection of furniture and lighting is a series of design studies that explore instances of flow, asymmetry, surface and substance. The designs were conceived in the midst of the pandemic and developed over the ensuing 2 years through remote working across continents. It is our response to a challenging time when sudden change was imposed on all of us, and we were called upon to reflect and be expressly creative; to find graceful solutions; to adjust directions and accept new lifestyle realities and priorities.


Asymmetry then becomes a most important element of the series; an instigator of movement that demands balance. Substantial volumes express transitions both sudden and fluid where our exquisite surfaces of hand-crafted materiality evoke nature and the legacies of craft. A modern seduction of eye and hand.

Malabares 由 Alberto Velez 设计 - 一位出色的哥伦比亚设计师,他在美国安家多年。在纽约的 Studio Sofield 工作 10 年后,他被猎聘为芝加哥 Holly Hunt 的设计总监。 Alexander 和 Alberto 是多年的朋友,在 Alberto 于 2020 年离开 HH 后,他们有了第一次合作的机会。

Malabares was designed by Alberto Velez - a wonderful Colombian designer who has made his home for many years in the United States. After 10 years working with Studio Sofield in New York he was headhunted to become the Design Director of Holly Hunt in Chicago. Alexander and Alberto had been friends for many years, and after Alberto left HH in 2020 they had their first opportunity to work together.

Alex Lamont(左)与哥伦比亚设计师 Alberto Velez(右)合作设计 Malabares 系列 Alex Lamont (left) worked with Colombian designer Alberto Velez (right) on the Malabares Collection


Estribor 在西班牙航海术语中表示右舷或船的右侧。这个词让人联想到不同侧面的不对称和航海船只的精巧曲线。

Estribor 橱柜是一款矮吧柜或餐具柜,设计精美的不对称门,似乎可以相互折叠。整个橱柜采用柔和的自然色调和乌木黑色调的麦秆镶嵌。当我们打开门时,光滑的古铜色五金件挑动我们的触觉。

Estribor means Starboard in Spanish nautical terms or the right side of a ship. The word conjures up the asymmetry of different sides and the crafted curves of a seaborn vessel.

The Estribor cabinet is a low bar cabinet or sideboard with beautifully engineered asymmetrical doors that seem to fold into one another. The whole cabinet is richly swathed in straw marquetry in either soft natural or ebony-black tones. Smooth, bronzed hardware plays with our sense of touch when we open the doors.

Estribor 橱柜的两种颜色的麦秆镶嵌 The Estribor Cabinet comes in two colours of straw marquetry: Ebony and Beechwood

Estribor 橱柜的内部桃花心木内饰 The interior of the Estribor Cabinet in Ebony is finished in rich Mahogany wood

Estribor 边桌引人注目的现代设计轻松且散发着安静的存在感,麦秆镶嵌包裹着柔和涌动的变化曲线,带着一种“撕裂”的感觉。坚实的整体形态,错落的铸造青铜表面和纹理,为主人打造一个轻松休闲的坐席空间。

Eye-catchingly modern but also casual with a quiet presence the Estribor side table evokes a sense of ‘tearing away’ as the flow of straw marquetry curves around softly altered and altering forms. The stoic volume offers alternate heights of cast textured bronze surfaces that can be arranged around informal seating areas.

两色麦秆镶嵌 Estribor 边桌,带青铜纹理桌面 The Estribor Side table in Ebony and Beechwood Straw Marquetry with textured bronze top

Corteza 餐桌底座凹槽用樱桃木制成 The interior groove of the Corteza Dining Table base is finished in Grooved Cherry Wood


Corteza 探索树木表皮作为结构和纹理载体的设计概念。跟随着你的视角,树皮形态的设计既是凹面又是凸面,一侧是原始的形态,而另一侧流畅包裹并支撑整个设计。

铸造的青铜和桃花心木的层次与纹理被带入 Corteza Console 的结构中,支撑着感性、流动形态,覆盖着深色或浅色鲨鱼皮的自然色调的桌面。

Corteza explores the notion of bark sections as bearers of structure and texture. Bark is both a concave and convex form depending on where you stand, and one side is raw while the other smoothly envelopes and holds the tree.

Carved bronze and mahogany is used to bring this deeply textured element to Corteza Console's structure supporting sensual, flowing volumes clad in natural tones of dark or light shagreen.

Corteza 案桌有两种色调的鲨革皮可供选择 Corteza Console table is available in Natural Speckle and Natural Distress tones of Shagreen


The dining table is round, informal and sized with multifunctional open living spaces in mind. The top is made from French Oak with a subtle inlaid pattern in the surface that echoes the scooped out grooves of the shagreen wrapped base.

Corteza 餐桌天然鲨革的底座 The Corteza Dining Table with Natural Speckle Shagreen base


Pontoon 让人联想到漂浮的设计结构,一个功能性的表面,如漂浮在水面上平台或桥梁。

Pontoon 床头柜轻柔层叠的设计形态,包括一个漂浮的鲨革和橡木贴面的抽屉。这件设计有左右两个方向可供选择,也可用作家具环境中的边桌或茶几。

A pontoon evokes a floating structure, a functional surface resting on the water to provide a landing stage or bridge.

The Pontoon nightstand is a series of gently cascading volumes, including a drawer, that float between shagreen and oak veneer. Available in right or left orientations this piece is also practical as a side or end table in a living context.

Pontoon 床头柜 - 右 The Pontoon Nightstand - Right


The cocktail table by the same name offers layers of honed natural shagreen that float over austere French oak forming a soft rectangular volume with split levels connected by tangent, flowing movement. Its proportions were conceived with relaxed and intimate living spaces in mind, its soft curves and quiet but rich surfaces providing an elegant support around which to arrange comfortable seating.

Pontoon 鸡尾酒桌 - 法国橡木和天然鲨革表面 The Pontoon Cocktail Table - floating surfaces of French Oak and Natural Speckle Shagreen


这款功能性的设计作品以该系列名称命名,体现终极平衡设计理念,精巧而俏皮 - 在Malabar 饮料桌的每一侧都呈现了几何形态,精美的鲨革与铸造青铜纹理相得益彰。

Named after the collection as the ultimate balancing act, this functional piece is petite and playful - a confluence of geometric maneuvers activated on every side of the Malabar drink spot table which presents cast bronze textures over an exquisitely crafted shagreen envelope.

Malabar 酒桌位于 Mirador 休闲椅旁 Malabar Drinks Spot Table in Natural Speckle Shagreen sits next to the Mirador Slipper Chair


Kumo 的名字来源于日语中的云,其柔美和流动的形态,与浅色和深色麦秆镶嵌的几何排列形成鲜明对比,让人联想到编织篮子的重叠表面。雕塑般的体态在橡木脚上挺拔而起,营造出漂浮的感觉。

Kumo 引人注目的原创设计 营造出轻松休闲的氛围。

Taking its name from the Japanese word for cloud, Kumo is a soft flowing form contrasting with a geometric arrangement of straw marquetry in light or dark tones reminiscent of the overlapping surfaces of a woven basket. The sculptural volume is raised on an oak foot to create the sense of a floating surface.

Striking and original in design Kumo finds it place easily in a relaxed and informal setting.

Kumo 鸡尾酒桌的灵感来自云的形状,采用两种颜色的麦秆镶嵌工艺 Kumo Cocktail Table is inspired by the shape of a cloud and comes in both Ebony and Beechwood straw marquetry


2023 新系列推出了两款新灯具,设计元素表达渐行渐远、不对称和平衡的理念。

Drift 灯通过深色或浅色调的麦秆镶嵌,变化的体态,流动展现着一个上升的组合形态。优雅平衡的整体设计在灯脚和灯颈底部饰有精致的青铜细节。

The 2023 collection introduces two new lamps that embody the idea of elements drifting apart, of asymmetry and balance.

The Drift lamps offer an ascending composition of shifting volumes enhanced by the flowing nature of straw marquetry in dark, or light tones. With elegant equilibrium the lamps are finished with exquisite bronze details at the foot and the base of the lamp’s neck.

Beechwood 色调麦秆镶嵌的Drift地灯和台灯Drift Floor and Table Lamps in Beechwood Straw

乌木麦秆镶嵌的 Drift 地灯和台灯 Drift Floor and Table Lamps in Ebony Straw Marquetry

Malabares 将手工艺,天然材料的美感与人的能量融入到现代设计的形态和比例中,打造一个轻松,有层次的家居空间,为主人创造一个舒适的“港湾”。 Malabares 是我们品牌 2023 年的推出的重磅系列;是一次探索形式、实质、不对称和流动设计形态的旅程;是鲜明的现代设计的表达。

Malabares brings the beauty and human energy of craft and natural materials to shapes and proportions adapted to contemporary ways of living, for homes that are “sanctuaries” of informal yet productive comfort. Malabares is an important collection for 2023, a journey into form, substance, asymmetry, and flow; an expression of enlightened modern materiality.
