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垂直森林是由博埃里beplay全站网页登陆事务所创始人建筑师斯坦法诺·博埃里(Stefano Boeri)先生于2006年开始设计的用于展示新形态建筑生物多样性的一种建筑原型,这种建筑不仅关注人类,更关注人与其他物种的关系。

The Vertical Forest is an architectural prototype designed by the founder and architect Stefano Boeri of Stefano Boeri Architects in 2006 to show the biodiversity of new forms of architecture. Architecture not only focuses on humanity, but also on the relationship between human being and other species.


The first vertical forest—Milan Vertical Forest, was officially completed in 2014 and became a new milestone in the urban landscape of Milan.

2014年,世界首例垂直森林建于意大利米兰,两座摩天“树塔”分别有 80 米和 112 米之高,共覆盖了800 颗树(480 颗大中型树木,300 颗小型树木),15,000 株多年生植物和地被植物,以及 5,000 株灌木丛,此建筑把等量于 20,000 平方米的林地或灌木丛植被集中在了一个 3,000 平方米的城市建筑表面上。

In 2014, the world’s first vertical forest was built in Milan, Italy. The two skyscraper “tree towers” are 80 meters and 112 meters high respectively, covering a total of 800 trees (480 large and medium trees, 300 small trees), 15 2,000 perennial plants and ground cover plants, and 5,000 bushes, this building gathers woodland or bush vegetation equivalent to 20,000 square meters on a 3,000 square meters urban building surface.
